Tuesday, 17 September 2013

A Little Spot of my Own

So, after many weeks of absence, I have returned! I won't go into detail about where I've been (computer trouble, phone trouble, illness, etc) but I will say that I have something to talk about today! I find that having a safe, comfortable place to put on my makeup is essential for my daily routine. I always look me best when I have the luxury of taking my time and sit down and really look at everything that I have. Seeing it all is really important because I have about ten or so eye shadow palettes that all have very different colour combinations and sometimes I forget about one or two of them if I can't see them.

Months and months ago, my sister posted an interesting blog post on my facebook wall with a wonderful solution to a rack that sits over top of my toilet and didn't have the room I needed for all of my makeup. Ms Tapioca posted this way back in 2011 and do I ever wish that I had seen it before then! Now that I have, I have created a very similar spot for myself in my hallway of all places.

Here are some pictures of it:

Instead of purchasing the pull out trays, I just put all of my palettes there. I'm more of a fan of palettes than single shades since I like having variety of colours to choose from depending on my mood. I found the plastic lip stick holders at the dollar store of all places and they were unfortunately gone when I went back for more. It's a good thing that I bought two, since those things are insanely useful for placing small, sample sized products, lip glosses and my primer. I also like the larger plastic container because underneath the area where my mascaras and brushes are I can keep spare products for easy access when I run out of something already displayed. (As you can see, my eye primer is certainly almost done and I have a spare hidden nearby so that I don't have to leave my little spot to get more mid-application.) I have also put a small garbage can beneath the shelf for easy disposal. 

Now the only thing I'm missing is a mirror and maybe an extra light so that I can apply my colour matching BB cream there instead of the washroom, where I have four bright vanity lights. So far, I love this vanity and I really especially love that all my makeup is safe. There have been some definite mishaps with it falling off shelves (into the back of the toilet) lately and I am really not looking to replace something that was in perfectly good working order before being dropped or something. I highly recommend this design and would like to thank Ms Tapioca for sharing her idea!


  1. That looks awesome! I need to get my butt in gear and arrange my stash like that. :)

    1. Basically, it's amazing. I'd recommend it to anyone who is as addicted as we are!

  2. I love my little vanity table. My touch 3x magnifying reversible vanity light makes me happy . I'm enjoying your blog too ;)

    1. I finally got a proper mirror this past weekend. FINALLY. I'm so happy :3
